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Our Roots


Taxidermy is how we started in the business almost 30 years ago, today we are a full service tannery that has found a nice little niche of accepting your raw frozen skins and return them to you turned and tanned in a detailed fashion that allows you to pull them out of the bag and begin the mounting process, saving you hours of the dirty work. “Work Smart, Not Hard” has been our slogan for years. We take the nasty hassle of turning, scraping and salting out of your shop.


For 20 years we have been turning, shaving and tanning skins for taxidermist all over the country and the results have been outstanding. We do both wet and dry tan and have experience with almost any animal that walks North America. From Buffalo to Bear, Mountain Lion to Moose, Coyotes to Cow we have you covered for over 50 species of animals.


We are all in this business for different reasons, but profit is the consistent theme and we are certain we can help you raise those numbers as we have with so many over the years. See just how simplified and organized your business life becomes by allowing us to quickly handle all of your tanning needs from one location. Years of experience help us to provide you with cleanly turned, well shaved skins that are easy to mount. Do you think it might be time for a change in the way you do business today?

8 Point Buck


Come See Us

Owner - Alan Easter

Adminstrative Assistant - Jeni Hedges

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