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COVID-19 Update

Unfortunately, we as many other shops and stores across our country have fallen into the non-essential category as our world continues to change all around us. In the language of Governor Pritzker’s Executive order for the State of Illinois we are allowed to “maintain the value of the business’s inventory”. We are of course doing that and while I suggest you hold off on sending any new projects, there will be someone here each day maintaining tanks and other essentials and we will have those tasks scheduled to coincide with the time that UPS, Fed Ex and Spee-Dee arrive, in case there is someone that didn’t get this message. All three shipping companies have done an outstanding job of observing the social distancing rules. I respect and appreciate all of the essential workers that put themselves and their families at risk every day to serve us, let’s keep them all in our prayers as they go about their jobs to keep our economy and our families alive and safe.

Also, our office is currently being operated remotely, so if you have any questions feel free to call or message us on our Facebook page.


As for our state, Illinois, the Executive Order is set to expire on April 30. However, this is an extension of the first Order that was set to expire April 7, understandably this entire experience has been a moving target for all of us. We will continue to keep everything safe until we get the ok to return to production.


This year we were right on schedule for the first time in a long time, that’s a good thing for all of us. I don’t expect this to have much of an impact on return times assuming we can get back to work April 30. 

Our pickup routes have also been suspended until this has been lifted. We were scheduled to be in Texas at the end of March, that trip to deliver tanned skins and pickup frozen will happen as soon it is deemed safe to do so.


This is a financial hardship for all of us, the Federal government has a few programs in place to assist.

The Economic Disaster Loan Grant is a program that would fit those of you that work alone, no employees. It can get $10,000 immediately deposited into your bank account and it is completely forgivable, even if you don’t qualify for the loan. I highly recommend you check out the links below. It takes about 10 minutes to fill out.


For those with employees the PPP or Paycheck Protection Program offers a loan to cover 8 weeks of payroll and several other things and it is also forgivable See the link below


Also google either of these programs and you will not only find many articles related to each program but also YouTube videos created by CPA’s walking you through the application process which are very helpful.


Thanks for your patience in these trying times, I never dreamed I would get up on Sunday mornings to watch my Pastor broadcast a sermon on the internet. I hope this gives some of us the chance to slow down a little and reflect on the important things. Teach the kids something new, check on your elderly friends and relatives, spend money with your local struggling restaurants at the drive up, etc. For a lot us it’s a chance to work on patience and grace in these trying times. Let us know if you have any questions and stay safe.


Alan Easter

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